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Who Is Kevin Bruseby?

Kevin is a photographer and creator based in the Swedish Lapland. While his work is deeply rooted in the tranquil nordic nature,  he is always expIoring new ways to innovate his content.


Kevin has worked with large companies including DJI, BenQ, ThinkTank and Zoner Photo Studio. Nowadays, he also spends a lot of his time spreading knowledge to others through his newsletter.


Apart from photography, Kevin was also a member of the 2022 Swedish National Team of Young Scientists. 


CyberPhoto logo.
ThinkTank logo.
Zoner Photo Studio logo.
Buteo Photo Gear logo.
WIX 10.jpg
​“As a collaborator he has always gone above and beyond in the work he has delivered to us at Think Tank.”

Content Director, Think Tank


ShotKit Featured Badge.
Nomadict logo.
All About logo.
SIWI logo.

Working With the Best Clients and Partners

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Loupedeck Logo.png
Hohem Logo.png
Stora Sjöfallet Mountain Lodge logo.
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UnikeFinnskogen Logo.png
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